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Mitigate wildfire risks with essential prep tips

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(BPT) - Human activity and climate change continue to amplify the frequency and intensity of wildfires, making it crucial to understand and prepare for these disasters. Each year, Mercury Insurance provides essential guidance to help safeguard your home and family from the threat of wildfires, as an increasing number of households face risks.

"Wildfires are unpredictable, but taking proactive steps can significantly reduce the risks to your home and loved ones," said Kelly Butler, Mercury Insurance VP & Chief Underwriting Officer. "Our aim is to equip homeowners with more than insurance solutions, and we want to give them practical advice on how to prepare for and respond to wildfires."

Essential wildfire facts:

  • Human activity: Humans cause nearly 85% of wildfires in the U.S., often through unattended campfires, improperly disposed cigarettes and other negligent behaviors.
  • Climate change impact: The issue is compounded by climate change, which increases temperatures and drought conditions, making the environment even more susceptible to wildfires.
  • Fire conditions: Wildfires require heat, fuel and oxygen to ignite and spread. Dry conditions and certain types of vegetation significantly increase the risk of these fires.
  • Fire speed and spread: Wildfires can move rapidly, traveling up to 14 miles per hour under the right wind conditions, leading to swift and extensive damage.

Why residents in areas like California must be super vigilant:

  • Extensive risk exposure: Geographically, some areas are at a higher risk for wildfires than others. Nearly one-third of California's population lives in wildfire high-risk areas. The traditional peak season from June to October continues to be expanded by climatologists due to changing climate patterns, making year-round vigilance essential.
  • Susceptible areas: Certain geographical features and conditions make some areas more vulnerable to wildfires, including borders where populated and unpopulated areas meet, mountainous terrain that accelerates fire spread, and regions with large amounts of unmanaged, dry brush that provide ample fuel for fires.
  • Environmental impact of wildfires: While some wildfires are natural and beneficial for ecosystems, those that reach populated areas can be devastating. Understanding the ecological role of wildfires can help in managing and preparing for them.

Homeowner preparedness tips:

  • Defensible space creation: Homeowners should maintain at least 100 feet of defensible space around their property by removing dead vegetation and trimming back trees.
  • Fire-resistant landscaping: Incorporating species like oaks, manzanitas and succulents can help resist the spread of fires.
  • Roof and gutter maintenance: Regularly clean your roof and gutters of leaves, pine needles and other debris to prevent ignition from embers.
  • Vent protection: Install ember-resistant vents to prevent embers from entering your home.
  • Home exterior materials: Use fire-resistant building materials for your roof, siding and decking to reduce the risk of your home catching fire.
  • Stay informed: Keep updated on local fire weather conditions and alerts. Sign up for community warning systems.
  • Safe storage: Store flammable materials such as firewood, propane tanks and gasoline away from your home and other structures.

Mercury Insurance remains committed to helping residents in wildfire-prone areas by providing comprehensive insurance coverage and discounts for proactive wildfire mitigation efforts. For more tips on wildfire preparedness and to learn about insurance options, visit Mercury Insurance online.

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